Sunday, October 17, 2010

#15 wikiwikiwikiwiki

Wikis are a really neat tool. THey are very convenient and i dont think there is a person out there who hasnt used wikipedia to looks something up before. Libraries could use wikis for book or material requests. making that request open to the public could create a link where someone else who may have the material could be able to lend it out if the library cant. I liked the genealogy section on the SJCPL homepage. i think that is really neat and also something that can be used in libraries since it is a common hobby of many ppl. The ALA page is also a good idea where people can become aware of events and comment on if they are coming or what they think about the event. There was an error when i tried to open it but i think the idea behind it is really good. the Bull Run Library wiki was kind of confusing. i was not a big fan of how it was set up. but overall i think wikis are a useful tool. one of the better tools so far in teh 23 things.

#14 Technorati

Searching in blogposts brought up some strange search results. it did not seem too specific. there was not really anything relevant that stuck out. i could not find a way to search within the tags section. it only had the most tagged tags in teh past month by alphabet. The blog directory did not bring up any results for learning 2.0. Overall this does not seem like a good tool for this specific entry but it looks like a good site for more pop culture or entertainment based information. The top 100 blogs part also shows this idea but along with technology and politics posts. Seems like a neat site to play around with.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

#13 Tagging and Social Bookmarking

I lke this site. It does not seem much different from Diigo though.The basic concept seems to be the same. Both sites are good research tools for anyone looking to get started on a topic by brainstorming. I like both sites.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

#12 RSS search tools

The RSS search tools were all pretty good but some were definitaly better than others. The one i actually liked the best was actyally the one on the google reader page. You just click on  add a subscription type in a few keywords and the sites come up and you add them right away after checking them out. I also like the It was simple and straighforward. i felt the other two were a little harder to use but still not impossible. both got you to what you wanted to get to. all could be good tools for searching RSS feeds. i like to follow sports hockey and football so i added those feeds to keep score and story updates. thought that was neat. looking forward to playing with it a little more.


#11 RSS and Newsfeeds

The RSS newsfeed tool is really cool. i find it hard to maintain however. i do not go online for reading news a whole lot and it can get backed up easily if you dont go on alot to read them. i dont find it very helpful for my lifestyle as it is since i dont use the internet on my phone bc i think its dumb and like i said i dont have a lot of time for leisurly reading anymore. however it is a creative tool for work reasons to keep updated on specific libraries or sites that relate to your work so someday it would be a tool i would probably use quite a bit. the newsfeed site kept freezing up on me. im not sure if that was just my computer or the link but i had a hard time getting it open. other than that it all went well.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

#10 Audiobooks...

this was really neat...i found an audio file for The Natural History, by Pliny the Elder from ancient Rome. This was one of the earliest biology/history/science books that many after were based off of. I took a class on Roman Art and Architecture and Pliny the Elder was presetn when Pompeii was covered by the volcanic explosion of Mt Vesuvius in 79AD. His son Pliny the Younger continued his work after his death. I browsed the catalog for a little bit as well and there is alot of other cool ancient books that would be difficult for many people to read and understand on their own so hearing it from another persons voice often helps them be able to process it as they are hearing it. A+ for this site!!!

#9 Podcasts...devils?

i did not enjoy this exercise at allllllll. the podcast sites were a nitemare. the sites listed in teh 23 things that said they didnt need software, some actually did and i had to download it for after it was downloaded i could not figure out how to use it for the life of me. i got very frustrated. i went to and had the same problem. perhaps someone could refer some easier podcast software? i could not figure this stuff out. i just use youtube. lol

#8 Youtube exploration

it has a recommended area based on the videos you watch. I watched a video on WWII and a bunch more popped up on teh side that related to it that video. Also ilike that it has a most popular area but it is clearly split up by topic as well.

ive always been fascinated by the civil war and WW2 while searching through youtube i found this really neat footage from WW2. the reason it jumped out at me is because it showed paratroopers and i recently watched the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers which focused on a troop of paratroopers in WW2. Hope you all think its as cool as me. Also i like the dark really sets the tone for what the reality of the footage is and how sad this time was.